
New Flash Fiction. Inevitable. That was then and this is now, isn’t it? Continue reading
New Flash Fiction. Inevitable. That was then and this is now, isn’t it? Continue reading
Red Boss chose them for the mission. But even God couldn’t make them like each other. And Fate, well, she wouldn’t need to wait long to play her cruel hand. Continue reading
A girl is summoned to her home, but the neglected Victorian estate doesn’t promise her the closure she seeks and may ensnare her with a deeper confusion than the one she had escaped. Continue reading
Red Boss chose them for the hit. But even God couldn’t make them like each other. And Fate, well, she wouldn’t need to wait long to play her cruel hand. Continue reading
History repeats itself with a macabre twist, for vengeance always finds its mark at the latest light of day. Continue reading
A high stakes victory and an unseemly confession bring about a peculiar compromise between love and loss. Continue reading
Yay! Finally. And even better news–it’s available through Kindle Unlimited. And if you prefer the printed page, it will be available for $9.99 on Amazon soon. –Kara xxooxx My VFFTC… Continue reading
Free Short story on Wattpad. “Charleston Twisted.” “A high stakes victory and an unseemly confession bring about a peculiar compromise between love and loss…” Continue reading
VFFTC is now in editing stage. Continue reading